The Four Steps
to Blatantly Defy the Aging Process
Aging: The great fear of almost
everyone. Getting older—not in wisdom, or just years, but looking older—is an undesirable side
effect of mortality.
day, a lady of 83 years sat in my office, and with a shaken look on her face
said, “I just had lunch with the girls.” These were her grade school
girlfriends. They got together every month, and had done so for nearly 50
lunch,” she continued, “I looked across the table at the other girls, turned to
my friend and asked her, ‘Do they look as old as we do?’” She was very
shaken. All of a sudden, the double chin that had slowly been cultured on her
neck, the myriad wrinkles, the swollen ankles, and the sagging skin under her
eyes all overcame the twinkle in those eyes. She was truly shocked. Fifty
years of age had hit her in one sudden jolt.
how do you elude this occurrence in life? Don’t have lunch with the
girls? Yes, that would work. Drive really fast everywhere you
go? That is another possible solution. Take up skate boarding after
you go on Medicare? That is another possible way to escape aging.
let’s get serious: Are you really interested in living a long and highly-active,
enjoyable life? Then let’s talk about the four core ingredients to an excellent
quality of life, laced with a heavy
dose of quantity.
grand secret ingredients to a long and happy life are the Four P’s:
number one:
peace and quiet in the midst of a troubled world is the first step to defying
age. Do you see the negative in the tumult of the world around you, or can
you find peace in the possibility for good in every event? The steps that
lead to this are contemplation, mediation and prayer.
• Contemplation is the willingness to look at life through
your eyes, your heart and your gut. This requires we use logic,
love and longing to see our current situation against a backdrop of the
• Meditation is the course of stillness. It is
the willingness to pause and be still, to stop telling yourself your
story. Stop being a victim of life. Stop justifying, stop
complaining, stop blaming, and start accepting that you are who you are and where you are because you choose it. This can be accomplished
by formally meditating, or by just planning and allowing time, even fleeting
moments of reality to penetrate the shell of fear we carefully build around
ourselves. The more you allow this seeping-in of reality, the easier it is
to become a cause in life rather than just another effect.
• Prayer is the next level of finding peace. Prayer is neither
contemplation nor meditation: it is the conscious intent to communicate with
the divine, or God, on God’s terms. Contemplation and mediation are
solitary, like laying in a meadow on a sunny day, enjoying the warmth of sunlight
on your face.
Prayer is the equivalent of
spiritual agriculture: it is like learning to live with the earth and helping
it to lend of its abundance to support your livelihood. Prayer requires reality
and humility. It requires a willingness to set aside our own agenda in
order to assimilate God’s will.
in life comes as we pursue the path of our highest potential. Unless we
walk that path, we cannot find peace. Peace is the blend of inwardly knowing
that we are reaching toward the reality of our potential, and the divine
sanction of that same reality.
is neither quietude nor stillness, alone. It is a growing inner knowingness,
and a divine manifestation that you are reaching your potential.
Number Two:
long has it been since you acted like a playing child? How long has it
been since you jumped rope, walked on a curb, balanced on one foot, laughed
like a child, had someone tickle your ribs until you cried, let someone hold
you and comfort you, jumped on your bed, or sat and colored a coloring book and
didn’t stay within any of the lines?
do you do physically that you really love? It can be intimacy, ecstasy or
just plain silliness. Let some light into your life and “lighten up” and
have some physical phun.
Exercise doesn’t have to be boring, difficult or complicated. To be most
effective it should be phun, and you will get younger.
have you always wanted to do? It’s never too late! Start now and
work toward it. The harder might be the better. Let us support
you. Tell us about it, and we will help you find any help you need
to stretch you body, mind and soul, but make it physically phun! They
claim that laughter can lengthen your life by eight years.
Interested? Stop being so serious.
Ingredient Number Three:
Give your body the right thing, at the
right time, for the right reason, and your body will express its gratitude in
kind with smooth skin, pliable strong muscles and a clear mind.
comes in many forms: the food we eat, the things we put on our skin, the sunshine
we absorb, the thoughts we think when we eat, and how we blend with nature in
our habits.
• Eat
clean, whole food. Choose foods according to your metabolic type and energetic
needs. We have developed a new, outstanding nutrition program that gives
you exactly the right nutritional approach for your system. No more
generalizations: this nutritional system is perfectly personalized to your
needs. The early returns are so exciting, I can’t recommend it highly
• Eat
according to the seasons. Eat the food that grows in your climate, in the
season in which it grows, and eat it fresh.
• Be
grateful for each meal you eat. Express gratitude by offering a
prayer of thanksgiving for the abundance you have.
• Eat
with a good attitude.
• A
family meal is always good for everyone.
• Take
your time: eat slowly.
• Drink
after your meal not during it (it dilutes digestive juices).
• Your
skin is an organ of assimilation and of elimination. Don’t put anything on
your skin that you couldn’t eat. Everything you put on your skin ends up
in your body, or blocks your body’s ability to absorb. I highly recommend a
high-quality product to hydrate and nurture your skin, like those from Arbonne. Contact
us for more information on this wonderful topical form of nutrition. Look
good and feel great by caring for your shell as you nurture your whole system.
• Get
a little sunshine every morning, if you can. 10 a.m. sun is safe and
beneficial. Start with very little, like ten or fifteen minutes, then
work up to half an hour a day. It is good for you in almost every
way. Avoid burns. Don’t stay out so long that you need to worry about
sunscreens. Your body will be happier. It is best to be active while
you are outside. A little perspiration cleanses the skin, while you feed
it with pure sunlight.
Ingredient Number Four:
care of your physical frame:
Chiropractic adjustments are essential ingredients to any health plan. It is the only
organized system to free the nerve system of disorder called a “subluxation.”
This is a condition in which the nerve system gets obstructed from its normal
function by the spine being out of alignment. It only associates with pain
about 20% of the time.
Come in and have a nerve system
check up to see if you have interference in your nerve system function. Your
nerve system controls your energy, your immune function, and has a huge
influence on your mood. Removing nerve interference is one of the greatest
paths to getting younger.
• Energy
balance is vital to youthfulness and vitality: the Dao De Ching says that
flexibility is life and rigidity is death. Maintaining your energy balance
is a vital aspect to staying young & flexible, and regaining lost health.
Acupuncture is the preeminent system of energy balance. A simple test
called the Acugraph test will show how balanced your energy is.
So, again: are you really interested in living a
long and highly-active, enjoyable life? If so, make the four P’s an integral
part of your daily life. Peace, Phun, Phood and Physical will nurture the
twinkle in your eye.
a blessed month,