Frequently Asked Questions:
Q: What is acupuncture?
A: Acupuncture is an ancient form of healing
originating in China. Its beginnings date back nearly
4,000 years. It began as a philosophy and expanded to
become a healing art. The premise is based on the belief that
there is a substance that causes all movement and stimulates all
life in the universe. This substance they call Qi. The best
label in our language for this substance in
non-religious terms would be life force or energy. Each
and every living being on our planet has this energy in
their body. It is channeled in pathways or meridians that
run throughout the body. Each meridian connects to a different
organ or controls a function in the body.If the Qi in the body is of proper quantity and moves freely in its designed pathways, health reigns supreme. When the Qi is out of balance or flows improperly we enter the phase where disease occurs. Disease is when we are not at ease with our environment. Our ability to adapt and react properly is limited. This is when we eventually get ill. Acupuncture is designed to correct imbalance in these meridians to prevent the development of disease as well as to treat problems that may occur in our life.
Q: How does acupuncture work?
A: Acupuncture works by manipulating the energy
channels via points along these channels called
acupuncture points or pressure points. Each point has a
different effect on the energy in the body. Point selection
and the method of working the point is determined. Properly applied
needles, lasers, massage, or other forms of mechanical
stimulation will ensure correction in the energetic
imbalance. When the imbalance is corrected, health
Q: Does acupuncture hurt?
A: No. Acupuncture as performed in my Clinic is
relatively painless. Only a minor sensation is felt in
almost all situations. On occasion a sting or shock is
felt but can really not be called painful.
Q: Are the needles sterile?
A: The Acupuncture needles I use are
pre-sterilized and disposed of after one use. There is no
chance of cross contamination. Acupuncture needles are
unlike any other needles. They are hair thin, very sharp and polished
smooth. Insertion is quick and generally not felt at all.
An acupuncture needle causes essentially no tissue
damage. Injection needles are much larger, beveled at the
end or sometimes even serrated. When they enter the body
they cut tissue. This leaves traumatized tissue and
opportunity for infection. Most patients who have the common
Phobia of needles say that after their first few treatments
acupuncture needles are different than other needles.
Q: What can acupuncture help?
A: Acupuncture has been used historically for a
wide variety of conditions. In our practice patients who
suffered from the following conditions have been helped:
multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue,
headaches of various origins, menstrual problems, infertility, digestive
disorders, learning disabilities, joint injuries,
arthritic conditions, sinus problems, allergies, frequent
colds and flus, depression and many, many more. What
acupuncture really treats is health. As your health fully
returns the body fulfills it's innate self healing work
and symptoms will leave.
Q: Are there any conditions that acupuncture can't help?
A: Of course. Acupuncture relies on the body's own
innate healing ability. In situations where that ability
is overcome by the disease, acupuncture is not able to
restore health. Even in these situations acupuncture may help
with certain symptoms like: pain, nausea, fatigue, lack of energy
or emotional despair.
Q: How long does a treatment take?
A: About 30 minutes. Sometimes a little less and
sometimes more according to patient needs or waiting
Q: Once I get better is there any advantage to continuing care?
A: Most definitely. Once you get in good shape by
exercising you don't just quit and maintain the benefit.
Once you have regained the degree of health you desire
you should continue to get your body re-balanced according
to your specific needs. Some people come in once a week, and others
need to come in only on the change of seasons. Your best
interest can be discussed and decided by you with the
Doctor's input.
Q: What is energy?
A: In Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) energy is better defined
as Qi. When all areas of the body are in proper balance
and Qi flows smoothly, evenly, and calmly a person will
be healthy.
Q: How does Qi Function?
A: There are different types of Qi and different
functions. Qi is the source of all movement in the body,
it protects the body by keeping external influences out,
it transforms food into nutrients, it retains the body's substances
and organs in place, and it warms the body. Qi affects the
transformation of blood, and blood is dependent on Qi for
correct flow. Qi keeps the blood in its blood pathways.
Each organ has its own Qi, so the flow of Qi greatly
impacts the functioning of individual organs. It also
flows through the meridians, which work as a communication
system among the whole body.If the Qi is not flowing correctly, then any or all of its functions may be interrupted. Depletion of Qi leads to weakness, lethargy, frequent illness, poor digestion, and inadequate blood flow. Congestion of Qi results in aches, tension, tenderness, pain, a distended abdomen, irritability, and swelling.
Q: How can we influence Qi?
A: Acupuncture and TCM herbs,
proper diet and exercise can all be used to stimulate
the Qi to flow correctly. If Qi is stuck, deficient, or
flowing in the wrong direction, health problems occur.
Acupuncture balances and unblocks the flow of Qi.