A new article,
titled "Latin America Faces Cancer Epidemic," states the following
about a recent study1 in Latin America:
Latin America's growing
prosperity is fueling a cancer epidemic that threatens to overwhelm the
region unless governments take urgent preventive action, a study published on
Friday warned.
A multinational team of
researchers found the current state of cancer care and prevention in Latin
America incompatible with the socioeconomic changes taking place in the region,
where an increasingly urban populace faces mounting lifestyle-related cancer

"If corrective action is not
taken this problem will become magnitudes of order bigger than it is today, it
will create massive human suffering and it will threaten the economies of
the region," Paul Goss, a professor at Harvard Medical School who led the
study, said at an event in Sao Paulo on Friday."2
It is interesting
that the cause of cancer is being addressed here: a so-called advanced society,
and economic prosperity. But in our country the emphasis is on treatment
of the condition after the condition has already settled into the body.
We see the results of this approach. We spend nearly twice as much per person
as any other country on health care, and we rank near 30th in outcomes.
So, what is the
answer? The answer lies in a healthy lifestyle. Once cancer shows up, it is
hard to heal. Once diabetes is present, it is a slow decline to the end stages of
life, and the list goes on. So the answer is to stay healthy, avoiding the
pitfalls of a so-called prosperous society. So what should we do?
Stay active. That
means stay off the couch. Exercise regularly. It doesn't take much. Just walk a
few times a week. Be able to go hike and not worry if you can make it up a
hill. Be active.
Eat well. That
means to determine what your body needs, and feed it clean, seasonally
available foods that are organic, if possible. Eat lots of vegetables, fruits,
beans, clean meats, and healthy grains, according to your Metabolic
Profile. If you don't know what that is, stop by the office and take the
test—it’s free—to determine what your profile is. Then start planning your
food choices.
Come in and get
your body balanced with the seasons with acupuncture. We just shifted into the
spring season and it has sprouted a lot of allergy- and viral-related
illnesses. Come in and get balanced and stay healthy, instead of trying to
regain lost momentum.
Lastly, seek an
avenue to help you become more spiritually and emotionally healthy. Of all
of the aspects of health, this is the most difficult to achieve and the most
important to work on. It is the foundation of all the other aspects of your
health makeup. If you don't know where to start, or are stuck on your
current path and it no longer gives you the passion you need, it is time for a
visit to Dr. Olson. Come in and we'll get you on an active path toward
spiritual and emotional health again.
It is surprising
what medical science knows, that they don't preach. So take control of
your own health. Plan where you need to improve. Start today. Tomorrow
may be much harder or too late.
“Planning cancer control in Latin America and the
Caribbean.” http://www.thelancet.com/journals/lanonc/article/PIIS1470-2045(13)70048-2/abstract
"Latin America Faces Cancer Epidemic." http://www.newsmaxhealth.com/Health-News/cancer-latin-america-epidemic-south-america/2013/04/27/id/501641