Photo by Exsodus |
In our last Ozone (which can be found here) we promised we would talk about how to attract into life what you really want.
A few years ago, there was a book called "The Secret." This book promised to describe this process. In my opinion, it talked about half of the process of creation. Due to time and space, I will not review what the book taught. But it only taught half of the process of creation.
There is a trap in seeking to create, in that it is usually based on want: “I want a new car.” “I want a better paying job.” “I want to live the life of my dreams.” “I want to be financially independent.” “I want my spouse to be more caring.” “I want my friend to apologize to me for that mean thing they said to me.”
The problem arises when we want things, but don’t know why we want them.
If the new car is supposed to establish an image in the eyes of your peers, then you have to ask why you think you need a car to demonstrate what you are inside. For instead of addressing the inner issue, you are only addressing the surface issue with the status-mobile.
But the energy of creation is based on your core needs, or as Dr. Demartini says, “your innermost dominant thought or desire.”
What is your innermost dominant desire? Do you really know? It is at this level of your being that the energy of creation is controlled.
What does this have to do with health? I’m glad you asked; read on.
A thought came to me in my morning prayers today: “In order to create what can be, we must consciously live in what really is. In order to live in what really is, we must see things as they really are.”
This next idea is a really important one. Please pay close attention: In order to see things as they really are, we must not be looking at life through our pain or illnesses, but through the lens of our health. If our motivation is to get away from our pain or our illness, we will probably not be successful. If however, our intention is to learn and grow because of our illness or our pain, we have a much better chance of succeeding.
Remember, health is the ability to comprehend myself in my environment, Spiritually, Emotionally, Nutritionally, Structurally, and Energetically. It is not a lack of symptoms, disease, or pain—it is an awareness. An awareness of what those things are made of, and why they are present. It is an awareness of what they really are. This correct awareness will always (yes, I use that word cautiously and correctly) be accompanied by peace and gratitude.
So in order to create what you want, you must understand what it really is that you want. Is it a new car, or is it a better self-image? Is it a new lover, or is it the validation that comes from being loved? Is it a college degree, or is it your parent’s validation? Is it money, or is it the belief that with that money, you will finally be safe from your fears?
In each of these cases, the desired outcome will not address the real problem. As a result, you will not get what you are seeking, unless that item is to bring pain or, in other words, transformational humility. For the things that do come into our lives in these cases will actually make life more painful. When this happens it is a sure sign we are off-purpose.
The best course to get what you want is to seek true health, not relief. If health is your guide, you will find true happiness sooner than with any other course.
I want to use a story to depict this process. Let’s imagine a boy (a good boy, but not a very noticeable boy) who goes to church one day and is taught that if we ask of God, we will get. If we seek, we will find. He goes home and thinks about this. There is this girl at school, a cheerleader; actually, she is THE cheerleader. She is so beautiful. He believes that if she would just notice him, she would like him. And if she liked him, all of his problems would melt away. He decides that if he had a red Ferrari, she would not only notice him, but be attracted to him. So he prays, and prays, and prays all afternoon, and into the night, asking that when he wakes up in the morning, there will be a nice new shiny red Ferrari in his driveway.
In the morning his eyes snap open. He leaps to the window, and looks down on his driveway, expecting his new car.
Will it be there?
Why not? Read on.
Well, he is in a pretty bad mood all morning. As he walks into school, he shoves the door open with a little extra animus, and the door bangs into the back of someone. Well, not just someone, but into the school bully, Bobby. Bobby doesn’t take kindly to that, and grabs him, punches him, steals his lunch money, and leaves him in a heap on the floor, more angry than ever.
Every day after that, despite the boy’s best efforts, Bobby would find him and punish him again, and again. Each time is humiliating and frustrating. He starts getting stomachaches in the morning. He gets moody, and even more distant from others than ever before.
The year creeps painfully along, until one day when a friend in his band of nerds mentions that he has enrolled in a martial arts class. He says his Sifu is just like the guy in The Karate Kid. He invites his picked-on buddy to come to class with him. Probably due to sheer desperation, the boy accepts the invitation. Surprisingly, he loves the class. The Master is so cool. The boy signs up for classes and keeps going even after his nerdy friend drops out. The boy has a natural ability that he didn’t know was there. He and the Master get along really well, and he gets a lot of special attention. As school ends, he is at the studio almost every day. His Master puts him in some competitions, and he does really well, again showing a natural latent talent. His Master doesn’t only teach him martial arts, but he also teaches him of a new way of looking at life and himself. His confidence grows. He starts carrying himself differently, and starts thinking about himself differently.
The first day of school, he walks in the front door, and bangs the door into someone: Bobby. Bobby reaches out, grabs the boy’s shirt, looks in his eyes, and pauses. There was now something of the tiger in this kitten. Bobby quickly decides this tiger shouldn’t be messed with. He reluctantly says, “Good to see you again,” and walks off. The boy is stunned. He and the Bully Bobby, actually become friends. He suddenly becomes noticed at school. Kids who hadn’t noticed him before, now want to be his friend. In his newfound confidence, he not only accepts their friendship, but becomes a friend. He lifts up those he is around. Instead of needing their validation, he actually gives them validation.
One day THE cheerleader talks to him. He is incredulous. But, there is another girl, a really nice girl that he kind of likes more. He and the cheerleader become friends, but this other girl is different. She is special.
The boy’s prayer was answered. He attracted into his life exactly what he really wanted: confidence and a good self image. God gave him Bobby instead of a red Ferrari.
So again, what is your innermost dominant desire? If you choose health as your guide, you will find true happiness sooner than with any other course.
Have a blessed month,
Dr. O.
"Yin Yang Symbol" by Exsodus, freedigitalphotos.net