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As spring launches into full bloom, be aware of a couple of health hints:
1. Engage in yard work with a little restraint. I am already seeing injuries from overdoing the initial phase of working in the yard.
2. Allergies are already rearing their unpleasant mug. Remember, Antronex, Allerplex or CB and HB are excellent natural alternatives to treating the effects of hayfever, without the side effects of prescription and OTC meds, and you can get rid of your allergies in many cases. Let us know if we can help you use healthier habits as you embark on a new summer of activities.
—Dr. O.
Women exposed to pesticide chemicals show an increased risk of autism in their unborn children: This new study strengthens the existing evidence linking neurodevelopmental disorders with gestational pesticide exposures, particularly organophosphates. These chemicals work by paralyzing muscles in insects, and they can harm humans in multiple ways as well. http://www.healthfreedoms.org/new-study-links-pesticide-exposure-in-pregnant-women-to-autism-us-naturalsociety-on-twitter-facebook-naturalsociety-on/
Men who eat more fruits and vegetables with pesticide residue have lower sperm counts and a lower percentage of normal sperm, according to a new study: “This does not necessarily imply reduced fertility,” said senior author Jorge Chavarro of Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. He and his team are actively investigating whether women’s markers of fertility may also be linked to pesticides in the diet, he said.
Some pesticides remain on the surface of produce and may come off when washed, but many others are absorbed into fruit and washing will do nothing in those cases, Chavarro said. http://uk.reuters.com/article/2015/03/30/us-sperm-quality-pesticides-idUKKBN0MQ2CS20150330
New concern about testosterone and heart risks: A large new study found that prescription testosterone raised the risk of heart attacks in older men and in middle-aged men with a history of heart disease, prompting some experts on Wednesday to call for more extensive warning labels on the drugs. http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2014/01/29/study-adds-to-concern-about-cardiac-risks-for-older-men-taking-testosterone/
Medications are the biggest cause of sudden deaths related to allergy: And yet there is no national registry [in the United States] for anaphylaxis deaths. When the responsible drug was identified, it was an antibiotic in 40 percent of the cases, researcher says. The next most common allergy-inducing drugs were radiocontrast agents, which are used during diagnostic imaging tests, followed by chemotherapy medications to treat cancer, the study reported.
When the cure becomes more deadly than the cause, we must rethink our approach. Many of our patients have found NAET a safe and effective way to eliminate allergic symptoms—for good. And unlike drugs, it does it by making you healthier. —Dr. O.
Supplements effective as prescription drug for arthritis pain: Three daily doses of glucosamine and chondroitin may provide the same relief as a smaller dose of prescription celecoxib for people with severe pain from osteoarthritis, according to a randomized trial in four European countries, in which half of the study participants took a daily combination of 400 milligrams chondroitin sulfate and 500 mg glucosamine hydrochloride. The new study suggests that in combination they can be effective for osteoarthritis patients, especially for people with heart or gastrointestinal problems who may not be able to take an NSAID. http://www.NewsmaxHealth.com/Health-News/glucosamine-chondroitin-arthritis-pain/2015/02/14/id/624828/#ixzz3RqUUJrHI
Facebook reportedly working on healthcare features and apps: Facebook Inc. is exploring creating online "support communities" that would connect Facebook users suffering from various ailments. A small team is also considering new "preventative care" applications that would help people improve their lifestyles. Privacy, an area where the company has faced considerable criticism over the years, will likely prove a challenge. Frank Williams, chief executive of Evolent Health, a company that provides software and services to doctors and health systems, said that people would need anonymity and an assurance that their data and comments wouldn't be shared with their online contacts, advertisers, or pharmaceutical companies. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/10/03/facebook-healthcare_n_5926140.html
Dieters more likely to have gallstones, study says: People who go on an extremely low calorie diet are more likely to develop gallstones than people on a moderately low calorie diet. Dr. Michael Jensen, a professor of medicine at the Mayo Clinic, said dieters typically end up with similar weight loss in the long run whether they use extreme calorie restriction or more moderately restricted diets. "You're going to end up in the same place (weight-wise), so why take the risk of ending up in the hospital with a gall bladder problem just to lose weight faster?" said Jensen, who was not part of the study. http://www.newsmaxhealth.com/Health-News/diet-crash-gallstones-weight/2013/06/07/id/508746#ixzz2VixIA8mY
Dental decay in athletes may be due to changes in saliva: Vigorous exercise is good for almost all of the body — except perhaps the teeth, according to a surprising new study of athletes. The study found that heavy training may contribute to dental problems in unexpected ways. “We had thought sports drinks and nutrition might have the most detrimental influence on dental decay,” said Dr. Cornelia Frese, “but we saw no direct link” between them. Instead, it was the changes in saliva during exercise that differentiated the athletes’ mouths from those of the control group. Since saliva “has a very protective function” for teeth, Dr. Frese said, having less of it or a chemically different version during exercise could be problematic. http://well.blogs.nytimes.com/2014/09/24/is-exercise-bad-for-your-teeth/?_r=0