May 14, 2013

Short & Sweet

A U.S. government study of an experimental HIV vaccine has been halted effective immediately, because the vaccine did not prevent HIV infection in some volunteers.  A scheduled safety review on April 22 found that slightly more volunteers who had received the vaccine later became infected with HIV. Overall, 41 cases of HIV infection occurred in the volunteers who received the experimental vaccine and 30 cases of HIV infection occurred among the recipients who received the dummy injection.
So it is possible for vaccines to spread a disease?  Yes.  This is proof.

New research has found that people who believe in a higher power respond better to psychiatric treatment.

Implants make breast cancer more deadly: women with implants had a 26 percent increased risk of being diagnosed at a later stage of breast cancer. Also, women with implants have a 38% greater risk of death from breast cancer than those without.

Eating vegetables from the Solanaceae plant family may reduce your risk of Parkinson's disease, according to a new study from the University of Washington in Seattle. The study specifically mentions peppers and tomatoes. The Solanaceae plant family includes bell peppers, chili peppers, tomatoes, tomatillos, eggplants, and potatoes.

A German study shows that the act of exploring contributes to contributes to successful personality development, and that neither genetics nor environment alone could cause this personal growth.

For anyone who still thinks that drinking does not contribute to cancer, a new report finds that alcohol is to blame for one in every 30 cancer deaths each year in the United States.