February 10, 2014

Short and Sweet

AARP lists drugs that may cause memory loss: antianxiety drugs, cholesterol drugs, antiseizure drugs, antidepressant drugs, narcotic painkillers, Parkinson's drugs, hypertension drugs, sleeping aids, incontinence drugs, and antihistamines. http://www.aarp.org/health/brain-health/info-05-2013/drugs-that-may-cause-memory-loss.html?intcmp=AE-HEA-RELBOX
Unprocessed baby foods lead to fewer allergies: A new study found that babies who ate more fruits and vegetables and fewer packaged foods were less likely to develop food allergies.http://www.newsmaxhealth.com/Health-News/childrens-allergies-unprocessed-baby-foods-homemade-foods/2013/08/09/id/519638#ixzz2c565ykOX
8 drugs that even doctors won't take: Follow the link to learn why doctors avoid these drugs. Advair (for asthma), Avandia (for Type 2 diabetes), Celebrex (pain reliever), Ketek (antibiotic), Prilosec and Nexium (stomach acid blockers), Pseudoephedrine (a popular decongestant), and Visine (eye drops). http://www.newsmaxhealth.com/Health-News/drugs-doctors-warning-dangers/2013/12/06/id/540421#ixzz2mjY6SnG1 
Exercise plays a 'significant role' in reducing risk of dementia: Cardiff University’s long-term study which began with 2,235 men from Caerphilly in 1979 found factors including diet and avoiding smoking had an impact on preventing illnesses developing in older age. Yet, exercise had the single biggest influence on dementia levels. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-25303707#story_continues_1
A meal at a sit-down restaurant may be just as bad — or worse — for your health than eating fast food: Researchers from Drexel and Penn say they analyzed the nutritional content of 2,615 items from 21 chains and then compared them to United States Department of Agriculture guidelines. http://www.jneb.org/article/S1499-4046(13)00708-2/abstract
Wonderful story: Oklahoma’s 'Grocery Store Samaritan' Has Amazing Reaction To Having Her Wallet Stolen! This story is too good to miss. Please follow the link to read the full (short) article. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/10/25/jessica-eaves-grocery-store-samaritan_n_4164691.html