August 18, 2014

Short and Sweet

Certain Foods Linked With Depression: Many of the foods we eat because we are rushed and may not make time for healthier meals are linked with depression. These include fast food, refined grains, and soft drinks.

Casual Sex Linked To Depression And Suicidal Thoughts: Dr Sara Sandberg-Thoma said: "This study provides evidence that poor mental health can lead to casual sex, but also that casual sex leads to additional declines in mental health."

Less Sleep Brings More Rapid Brain Aging: Sleep troubles are more common with age, and shrinkage of certain brain structures is normal. But for the over-55 study participants, those changes could be seen accelerating slightly with each hour less of sleep each night.

Light Drinking Is Less Healthy Than Researchers Thought: Reducing even light consumption of alcohol will not only improve your chances against coronary heart disease, but also help you lose weight and ease high blood pressure, it said.

The Biggest Bucks In The Business Of Healthcare: Though the recent release of Medicare’s physician payments cast a spotlight on the millions of dollars paid to some specialists, there is a startling secret behind America’s health care hierarchy: The base pay of insurance executives, hospital executives and even hospital administrators often far outstrips doctors’ salaries.

Are Pain Relievers Wrecking Your Health?: What many people don’t realize as they reach for a bottle of ibuprofen, aspirin, or naproxen is that these medications can cause a surprisingly common condition called leaky gut syndrome, which is “a breakdown of the barrier of the intestinal lining,” says Leo Galland, M.D. Leaky gut can cause fatigue, joint pain, allergies, digestive troubles, mood swings, and other symptoms.